Carol Danvers returns: Avengers Annual #10 – August 4, 1981
Avengers Annual #10: "By Friends -- Betrayed!" Carol Danvers' character basically gets rebooted in this issue, while she also, at last,...
The Rape of Ms. Marvel – The End is here: Avengers Vol 1 #200– October 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #200: "The Child is Father To...?" The end of a horrid plot line comes to an end. However, we need to survive the horror...
The Rape of Ms. Marvel – The End is Near: Avengers Vol 1 #199– September 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #199: "Last Stand on Long Island" Carol Danvers' horror pregnancy continues. This issue picks up right where the last one...
Carol Danvers is Part of the Background: Avengers Vol 1 #196– June 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #196: "The Terrible Toll of the Taskmaster" Ms. Marvel has no particular role in this issue. This issue opens a few...
Carol Danvers' Helping Role: Avengers Vol 1 #192– February 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #192: " Steel City Nightmare!" This issue is mostly about Wonder Man. Ms. Marvel only appears at the epilogue of the...
Carol Danvers’ is Part of the Team: Avengers Vol 1 #190– December 1979
Avengers Vol 1 #190: "Heart of Stone" For the first time, Ms. Marvel feels like she's part of the team in a fight. The issue opens with a...
Carol Danvers’ Flirty Side and Scarlet Witch's and Quicksilver's Origin Story Part 1: Avenge
Avengers Vol 1 #185: "The Yesterday Quest!" This issue focuses on Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, we only get to see Ms. Marvel for a few...
Carol Danvers Officially Joins the Avengers: Avengers Vol 1 #183 – May 1979
Avengers Vol 1 #183: "The Redoubtable Return of Crusher Creel!" Ms. Marvel becomes an official Avenger. Temporarily. In this issue Carol...
Carol Danvers and the Avengers Fight an Old Enemy: Avengers Annual Vol 1 #8 – October 3, 1978
Avengers Annual Vol 1 #8: "Spectrums of Deceit" Ms. Marvel is basically a member of the Avengers as they deal with an old enemy, or an...
Carol Danvers in a Small Role: Avengers #176 – October 1978
Avengers #176: "The Destiny Hunt!" Ms. Marvel barley appears in this issue. When she does, she simply fails at the task given to her. The...
Carol Danvers is Coming to Help: Avengers #175 – September 1978
Avengers #175: "The End... and Beginning!" Ms. Marvel comes to the Avengers, hoping to help them with their latest crisis. Ms. Marvel was...
Ms. Marvel Teams up with the Avengers: Avengers Vol 1 #172 – June, 1978
Avengers Vol 1 #172: "Holocaust in New York Harbor!" Ms. Marvel basically has a hero’s cameo in this issue. The issue opens with...