Carol Danvers in a Small Role: Avengers #176 – October 1978
Avengers #176: "The Destiny Hunt!"
Ms. Marvel barley appears in this issue. When she does, she simply fails at the task given to her.
The issue opens with Starhawk arriving at the Avengers mansion. Iron Man explains to him the events of the previous Avengers issues where the Collector kidnapped all of the Avengers in order to save them from the enemy. However, the enemy killed the Collector before the Collector could tell them who the enemy actually is, and now they are all searching for this enemy. Starhawk still thinks that the true enemy is Korvac, without knowing that they are referring to the same person.
Moondragon feels that she has found the first clue to the solution of the problem. But, then she runs into Quicksilver who is screaming at Hawkeye because Scarlet Witch is married to an android. Moondragon has had enough of that and she erases the hatred from Quicksilver’s mind.
Moondragon walks into on an argument between Wonder Man and Black Panther. Captain America (who isn’t calling the shots in this comic at least) asks her if they are in for a fight. She tells him “sooner than any of us…” and then Thor is thrown into the room. Apparently, that was Hercules’ way of saying hallo, a fact that Thor is not happy about. It is Black Widow that puts this conflict in order. Moondragon tells Iron Man that she had made a discovery and calls all of the other Avengers in a telepathic manner. Yet, it is Captain Marvel who notices that the fabric of existence itself has been altered.
Ms. Marvel is trying to summon a seventh-sense vision but fails. Most of the Avengers who are outside notice that there is something wrong, but they can’t put their finger on it. They all hear Moondragon’s call and return to the mansion. Iron Man is very unhappy that someone else is in charge. He’s not exactly a team player.
Michael/Korvac knows that the Avengers are piecing information together. He is unconcerned because he has recreated Starhawk so he cannot sense him anymore.
Iron Man, with the help of his computer, locates the source of all of the disturbances. Unfortunately, since the Avenger are no longer working for the government, they cannot barrow quinjets from them. So, Iron Man finds a different solution. He basically highjacks a bus, it is hilarious to see all of the Avengers, past and present, sitting in a bus together.
Looks like Ms. Marvel got a window seat, so she’s got that going for her. Also Wonder Man comes to sit beside her. Looks like he’s not done trying to impress her.
When they arrive, they find a peaceful suburb neighborhood, and people who don’t want their street to be destroyed by superheroes. Hawkeye is not happy with what they find, and he lets Iron Man know that.
They ring the doorbell of a particular house and Michael/Korvac opens the door. Still, the Avengers sense nothing, and he lets them search his home. Moondragon, Captain Marvel and Jocasta find nothing wrong with Michael and Hawkeye becomes even angrier at a possibility of a lawsuit.
Then Starhawk becomes angered because he sees nobody in the house. Korvac changed him. So, the Avengers reach the conclusion that Michael is indeed the danger they have been searching.
Korvac explains to them that he wants to save the universe and prevents injustice and cruelty and you know... change all of life. He thinks that the Avengers simply do not comprehend that there is no need to save the universe from him, as he is going to save it. Now that he is discovered, all the deities and powers of the universe will come after him. So, he attacks the Avengers in the hopes to save himself as the future he envisioned is lost already.
Even though it is a really good issue with an interesting plot, Ms. Marvel barley has a part in it. Being in the Avengers just swallows her and makes her useless. It is not a good place for her as a character as she doesn’t get her moment to shine. Even Captain Marvel has a better role than she does.
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