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Carol Danvers’ First Fight with the Avengers: Avengers Vol 1 #184 – June 1979

Avengers Vol 1 #184: "Death on the Hudson!"

Avengers Vol 1 #184 – June 1979

This issue is just another example of how Carol Danvers just doesn’t shine when she’s with the Avengers.

The issue opens with a recap of the previous issue. The Absorbing Man was trying to get on a ship to South America to get away from Superheroes, but gets stopped by the Avengers. Now, he has absorbed the power of a battery of electric turbines, or something illogically mechanical from the ship to increase his power and to fight off the Avengers. Obviously, the cover displays Ms. Marvel being defeated, because why not have the only visible woman defeated, even if it’s her first battle as an Avenger.

Ms. Marvel is defeated by the Absorbing Man

It’s not just a cover bait. Even though she has snappy comments like most of the Avengers, she is the first one who gets defeated. So much so, that Beast has to save her from drowning. It’s worst when he says that he can’t let her drown on her first mission as an Avenger. The writer shouldn’t even put her in this position on her mission as an Avenger. This is not a splendid introduction into the Avengers. It is later retconned when she flies out of the water carrying Beast with her. But, I don’t find it satisfactory. Ms. Marvel does not need saving after all. It does not change my annoyance at her defeat, just helps to bring some humor and dignity to her character. Beast asks her to drop him near the Absorbing Man.

Vision distracts the Absorbing Man allowing Iron Man to sneak up on him and absorb the energy out of him. Then he flies into space to release that energy.

Meanwhile, back at the Avengers mansion, Captain America has returned with Falcon. Falcon is very unhappy with his status as a token. But, when Jarvis explains that the other Avengers are on a mission, they both fly away to help them. When they arrive, they find out that the Absorbing Man is trapped in a building with Beast. And Beast is winning with ease as the Absorbing Man can’t absorb what he can’t touch. But then he touches Beast. Then, stupidly Captain America throws his shield at him. Now they are fighting a man made of the same material as his shield. Ms. Marvel bravely and stupidly is the first to attack him in his new state. He hits her back, and everyone makes comments about not being allowed to hit a lady. That goes against her solo issues when she claimed she is no lady. But, it’s Iron Man who gets hit the hardest when he returns and attacks. He is out of the fight and leaves the rest of the Avengers to defeat the Absorbing Man.

Vision is the one who manages to win. Absorbing Man absorbs the Vision’s power and falls through the pear into the water. He tries to swim after the ship he wanted to catch but fails. In the end, he turns himself into water and disappears. The Avengers think it is an act of dignity, and even his hostage thinks there is some good in him. Not all villains are all bad.

I am still waiting for a moment in which Ms. Marvel will truly shine as an Avenger. This is issue did not give me that. It gave her some funny moments, mainly it’s funny as she carries Beast while flying, but it’s not impressive. She is the first person to get defeated by the Absorbing Man despite her powers and skills. WASP had even less to do than her. I think that David Michelinie may have a problem with writing women in a fighting group. I still like Ms. Marvel though; her sense of humor at least fits in well with the rest of the Avengers.

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