Carol Danver's Ms. Marvel Loses her Powers to Rogue: Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #203 – March, 1986
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #203: "Crossroads" I don't know why, but in this issue we get to see the fight between Rogue and Ms. Marvel that...
Carol Danvers is reunited with the Avengers: Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 #24– January, 1986
Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 #24: "Elegy" Carol Danvers must decide who she is: Carol Danvers or Binary? It is only the second half of the issue...
Carol Danvers is Reborn: Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #158– June, 1982
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #158: ""The Life That Late I Led..." In this issue Carol Danvers finally leaves her past as Carol Danvers and Ms....
Carol Danvers returns: Avengers Annual #10 – August 4, 1981
Avengers Annual #10: "By Friends -- Betrayed!" Carol Danvers' character basically gets rebooted in this issue, while she also, at last,...
The Rape of Ms. Marvel – The End is here: Avengers Vol 1 #200– October 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #200: "The Child is Father To...?" The end of a horrid plot line comes to an end. However, we need to survive the horror...
The Rape of Ms. Marvel – The End is Near: Avengers Vol 1 #199– September 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #199: "Last Stand on Long Island" Carol Danvers' horror pregnancy continues. This issue picks up right where the last one...
The Rape of Ms. Marvel Continues: Avengers Vol 1 #198– August 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #198: "Better Red Than Ronin!" Carol Danvers' pregnancy continues to be strange and unresolvable, causing Ms. Marvel to...
So, the Rape of Ms. Marvel Begins: Avengers Vol 1 #197– July 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #197: "Prelude of the War-Devil!" The most terrible plot line for Ms. Marvel, ever, begins in this issue. You know what I...
Carol Danvers is Part of the Background: Avengers Vol 1 #196– June 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #196: "The Terrible Toll of the Taskmaster" Ms. Marvel has no particular role in this issue. This issue opens a few...
Carol Danvers is a Bad Friend to the WASP: Avengers Vol 1 #195– May 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #195: "Assault on a Mind Cage!" Ms. Marvel can’t even view the WASP as a friend, so she embarrasses herself in an...
Carol Danvers is a Good and Bad Friend: Avengers Vol 1 #194– April 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #194: "Interlude" Ms. Marvel does have room in this issue, as a friend. A good to Captain America and a bad one to the...
Carol Danvers is a Small Part of the Avengers: Avengers Vol 1 #193– March 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #193: "Battleground: Pittsburgh!" Ms. Marvel continues to have a small and not vital role as part of the Avengers. Also,...
Carol Danvers' Helping Role: Avengers Vol 1 #192– February 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #192: " Steel City Nightmare!" This issue is mostly about Wonder Man. Ms. Marvel only appears at the epilogue of the...
Carol Danvers’ is Not a Significant Part of the Team: Avengers Vol 1 #191– January 1980
Avengers Vol 1 #191: "The Icemaster Cometh" Ms. Marvel might be a part of the team, but a small part. The issue picks up right where the...
Carol Danvers’ is Part of the Team: Avengers Vol 1 #190– December 1979
Avengers Vol 1 #190: "Heart of Stone" For the first time, Ms. Marvel feels like she's part of the team in a fight. The issue opens with a...