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Carol Danvers Tries to Reach a Peaceful resolution: Ms. Marvel #21 – December 1978

Ms. Marvel #21: "The Devil in the Dark!"

Ms. Marvel #21 – December 1978

It’s time for Ms. Marvel to face a very unhuman enemy, the giant lizards.

The issue picks up right where the last one ended. Ms. Marvel has been taken into the mountain by giant lizards and now they are throwing her into a cage.

As she wakes up, we get flashbacks to the previous issue that changes one major detail. Now, suddenly, Sharon Cole works for Woman magazine instead of the Bugle. Apparently, two months is enough to change continuity, or just a small detail, as Ms. Marvel didn’t come out in November nor did she make any other appearances.

Then we see Ms. Marvel having a really hard recovery from the beam that was shoot at her. However, before she’s up, some man in his underwear jumps at her and tries to attack her, but she manages to turn his attack against him. Then she realizes that that man is sergeant Whitmore, who she fought with in the previous issue. There are other half naked people around him, and they are all scared and confused.

Ms. Marvel finds Sharon

Among those people is Sharon Cole. The woman Carol Danvers set out to find, her friend. According to the previous issue. Whitmore demands that she get them out of there, very rudely. She’s partly an Avenger not a wizard. On the other hand, it’s nice that he has so much faith in her. She wants to know what she’s up against first. She asks Whitmore how he got there, and he tells her his story. He tells her that there were too many crazy stories to ignore, so an armed convoy was sent out to search for answers, they were attacked, but only he was taken a prisoner.

Then one of the lizards comes in and tells Ms. Marvel that the high ones summon her. When the humans see them, they scatter in fear, but Ms. Marvel stays in her place, proving that she has the heart of a warrior.

As she is walking in their city towards the high ones, she is rather impressed by it. When she arrives at to meet the high ones, she finds out that they need to determine what to do with her. They have never meet anyone so powerful. I guess they never meet any of the other Avengers. Also, it is rather funny, or ironic, that someone who is the elected Patriarch has never encountered a strong woman before. I guess that that is some commentary. She wants peace, they are not really interested in it.

Ms. Marvel battles with lizards

One of the lizards doesn’t like the way that Ms. Marvel speaks and hits her. But, it’s the 70s, she’s not one to be silenced, like all women. So, she punches who ever hit and a battle starts. One which she starts with an upper hand. Then she regrets starting the fight, again her bad temper gets the best of her. But I like her, better than always calm and calculated heroines or simply coward women. Also, it is a case that demands some bad temper in my opinion.

As the fighting continues she hits a supporting column, so she braces the roof, so a lizard woman and child can run away, but she is still attack by a psychic beam that makes her collapse. Even though the person who attacked her is the father and husband of those whom she saved.

Along the way, the main symbol of the lizards’ collapses. The symbol of their struggle for development. I guess they haven’t developed that much if they are so merciless. Yet their leader is sad that Ms. Marvel is dead. Little does he know. A collapsed roof doesn’t mean much in her case.

Ms. Marvel confronts the main patriarch

She not only survives, but she follows the main patriarch to his home. She is still hoping for a peaceful resolution. She looks so fierce and amazing in the bottom panel, I wouldn’t mess with her. However, the patriarch does not believe that peace can be achieved given the history of humanity. The lizards are the results of nuclear radiation. Of course. How convenient. They are stronger than humans, but not stronger than their technology. So, he cannot allow her or her friends to be freed.

She reaches the rest of the humans and tells them it’s time to go as she has created a diversion, but they warn her of something terrible guarding the exists. Another monster for Ms. Marvel to battle. This time, it’s a giant cobra snake. She gets bitten, but the fight continues. Of course, Ms. Marvel wins in the end and comes up with a plan to save the day. She threatens to destroy the city if she and prisoners are not released, as a safety measure, the memories of everyone else can be scrambled. They are also not allowed to take any new prisoners. Ms. Marvel knows how to bluff, and the lizards agree.

In the epilogue she returns home as Carol Danvers. She finds a lizard and a note. They hope that they can trust her, she sure needs to trust them as they apparently know her secret identity. This is how the issue end.

This is issue was both fun and comical and very commentary. Obviously, giant size lizards and snake make it feel fun and light hearted, but the moment you write patriarchy, you can’t avoid the metaphor. And this one was actually rather a hopeful one. Despite everything, the issue ends with a nonviolent resolve of the conflict, a hopeful end and message. Despite the slight threat at the end, I think that there is a positive message here. What do you think?

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