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Carol Danvers Gets Her Classic Black Outfit: Ms. Marvel #20 – October 1978

Ms. Marvel #20: "The All-New Ms. Marvel”

Ms. Marvel #20 – October 1978

It’s time to go back in time so we catch all of Carol Danvers’ appearances in Marvel comics. Ms. Marvel did not come out in September, but I covered her other appearances in that month. To refresh your memory, in the last issue of Ms. Marvel she was kidnapped by the Supreme Intelligence so she can breed a new race of Kree. She also meet Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) and we learned about her impressive history as her father did not want her to go to college and she did, and at the military’s expense as she joined the U.S. air force. It was an impressive issue.

In this issue Ms. Marvel gets a new look, her iconic black suit. Sean Howe states in his book “Marvel Comics: The Untold Story” that after Chris Claremont got his “old X-Men partner Dave Cockrum on the title, and they went through several dozen costume redesigns, trying to get it just right. No one had invested so much energy into a female superhero before, and, as Cockrum observed, no one else much cared. ‘When [he] brought in the one that was ultimately approved, Stan said, ‘why didn’t you bring me this one first? This is what I’m after . . . tits and ass.’” It’s not like her red suit lacked any of that. As I noted, there are plenty of awkward crotch poses in her previous art. But, poor Claremont, putting so much effort into her comics, just so no one will appreciate it at the time. Even until this day it is Kelly Sue Deconnick who is considered Carol Danvers’ most iconic writer, rather than her first good writer.

Ms. Marvel admiring her new suit

The issue opens with Ms. Marvel admiring her new suit. The only thing that is left from her old suit is the red belt around her waist, which used to be her old red, useless scarf. That is the last thing that needs to stay, but oh well. Apparently, Janet Pym helped her design the suit. It’s understandable that Janet is thankful after the ordeal of the previous Avengers annual issue. And as they generally spent a lot of time together recently, including in Ms. Marvel #18, where we first see her wear the black suit. Although we also saw her wear it before, because Marvel continuity doesn’t make sense. Although she seems to be in love with the suit, the fact that it’s so tight is a problem. She says that she can’t gain any weight or even eat, while wearing it. This part got a lot of criticism, but I think it’s realistic. A lot of women have body issues, and such stray thoughts do exist.

Then the doorbell rings and Danvers, who isn’t expecting anyone, is annoyed, hoping it’s not another salesperson or a religious crazy person. Looks like somethings never change about crazy people at the door. But, no, it’s just Frank Gianelli, and luckily this isn’t a social call, although it is Danvers’ day off. Apparently, he is here to update her that one of the Bugle’s reporters Sharon Cole who has disappeared in Mexico.

Then we switch to Sharon who is running for her life in the Trinity Canyon in Mexico. She thinks it’s the story of the century, aren't they all. She manages to reach her car and call for help, but someone yanks her out and her car crashes as she is yanked out, while driving.

It seems that on Tuesday Danvers gets the call about Cole’s emergency call and heads straight for Mexico. Apparently, Cole was her friend, even though previous issues did nothing to establish that, or even mention her, but looks like the attitude is that all women are friends, nice, but unrealistic.

Then, Danvers arrives to the New-Mexico police station, listening to the recording and talking to sergeant Whitmore. Cole was there investigating a long line of disappearances and two more people disappeared that night as well. Then Colonel Butler shows up, she calls him Harry, but he isn’t happy about that. He is not happy that someone on the outside is investigating, especially her. Especially her, could be because she is a reporter now, a woman, or a reporter who knows more than she should because she used to be in the army.

Danvers and the Colonel arguing

Of course, this conversation escalates quickly. Danvers’ tells Butler she will find the truth no matter what, and he warns her to stay away. Calling her a little lady, to which she responds: “I’m not little -- and I’m no lady!” he doesn’t know how true this statement is. She’s no lady, she’s part Kree and total superheroine. She tells him that she doesn’t respond “kindly to threats.” His lovely response is “Leave this job to men who can handle it!” He doesn’t know that no men can handle it.

Then we see a police officer, Jim, driving Danvers and helping her with her case. He also tells her that she has some temper, she says she knows it, but they both end up agreeing that Danvers did good in her behavior towards the Colonel. They continue to drive and just as Danvers begins to despair, she sees a line of Stark made tanks, completely destroyed. However, there are no bodies. Danvers notices that she’s getting no seventh-sense vision, but her instincts are telling her that something is very wrong and bad is coming her way and fast.

Also, up until this point, we didn’t exactly get to see what Danvers is wearing.

Danvers' clothes

Call me old fashioned, this is not what I would wear if I wanted anyone to take me seriously, especially high ranking military or police officers. I get that this sort of outfit was popular at the time, but it was not even considered appropriate as office wear. It’s just a disappointing eye candy wear.

Now, back to the issue itself, Danvers finds giant foot prints on the ground that don’t match any animal that she knows. She wants to share her revelation with Jim, but he too has disappeared.

All new Ms. Marvel

Then Danvers decides that she has done all that she can as Carol Danvers and changes into Ms. Marvel, the “new, better-than-ever, Ms. Marvel!” with her, I guess you can say iconic black outfit.

Then suddenly she is attacked but a giant monster, making her wonder if she didn’t make a mistake by changing into Ms. Marvel.

Ms. Marvel attacked

This monster looks more like a dinosaur, even though Danvers sees it as a giant lizard. It thinks that soft-skinned people are the enemy. I guess that it refers to all humans. But Ms. Marvel is more than human. He considers himself of “the people” and says that she should be thankful that the “high once” said that humans can no longer be pray. So, I guess that they were until very recently. It gives her a chance to yield, which she refuses and attacks it. He notices that she is stronger than most humans, but her strength didn’t damage him.

Then the lizard throws a tank on Ms. Marvel and she catches it on throw it back on him. She thinks that she always wanted to do that, but she’s been afraid up until now. Her transition from a regular human to a superheroine didn’t change her instincts that tell her that she should be afraid of stunts of this magnitude. But, after being a superheroine for a few months all of her fears and setbacks are gone. She knows her own strength. He is surprised by her powers. Then she grabs him by his tail and throws it on the ground. She also calls him Godzilla. This is a comic from 1978, but Godzilla is as old as 1954.

She wants to take his body to gemma base, because if they can hold in hulk, they can hold in this creature. But there are more of them, a lot more, and they show up angry at her for harming their brother. From their design, they look more like Dinosaurs than just giant lizards. She tries to fly away, but you know, there are flying Dinosaurs as well. This is not a fair fight. But all they manage to do is anger her. Which causes her to unleash her full strength.

The fight is interrupted by the high council of Dinosaurs, who stop the battle. Their leader is Aracht’tr, the patriarch. I guess this will be some juicy metaphor. He believes that she is telling the truth about not wanting violence. But he cannot risk his people, so he has one of them attack her with a beam that disrupts her mind and she crumples on the ground. The lizards pick her up and take her into the mountain, literally. Where there is an entire village of them. The issue ends with this cliffhanger.

Do you agree with me? Have anything to say about this or any other related issue? Let's discuss in the comments below or on my Facebook page or on Twitter. Also, please help the blog grow by liking it and sharing my posts. Have a great day.

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