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Carol Danvers and the X-Men are Prisoners: Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #162– October, 1982

Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #162: "Beyond the Farthest Star"

Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #162

The previous issue ended with all of the X-Men and Carol Danvers being taken as prisoners by the Brood that works with or for Deathbird who now declared herself the empress of the Shi'ar Empire.

This issue opens with Wolverine waking up in an alien jungle. He can't make sense of all input from his heightened senses so he just keeps moving to survive. He is almost caught by some snakelike creature but manages to escape. However, he does suffer from pain and starts hallucinating about his past in Japan with Mariko Yashida. The hallucinating breaks when the Brood finds Wolverine and break through his delusion.

From the conversations the Brood is having we realize that Wolverine's body is now a host to a queen's egg. That is why he is in pain and suffers from hallucinations. As Wolverine tries to break free from the web he plunges into another hallucination. This time of the recent past, he returns to the moments before the X-Men were taken by the Brood.

Then suddenly Wolverine remembers what happened after they were taken. They were stuck in a delusion. It took Wolverine time to figure this out. The other X-Men didn't seem to mind being taken at all because of it, they were having a good time. They think that they are with the Shi'ar high ranking military and government men, there is a party being held to thank them all.

Carol Danvers asks Wolverine for a dance

Carol Danvers is also there as she was with the X-Men when they were taken by the Brood. She asks Logan to join her in a dance, but she also notices that something is wrong. Something is wrong with Logan. He tells her that he feels that something is wrong. He tells her that this is a set-up. However, Danvers doesn't have any special senses anymore. No more seventh sense. She doesn't know that she is trapped in a delusion. She simply tells him that he has grown paranoid in his old age and that he should relax and enjoy the party.

Carol Danvers is being taken away

The illusion tells Danvers that they have noticed that she is different. Her physiology is different. She tells it that she is not a mutant. The delusion tells her that the datascans on her were very interesting, and that it would like to test her further. She agrees to go immediately, despite Wolverine protests. Well, I guess this won't end too well for Danvers.

The common delusion continues and tells them that they are all going to see Lilandra and get their prize. But next to her and above her on the dais is Deathbird. No one comments about that. She hugged every single X-Men. Kitty resists, but all to no avail. Even Wolverine cannot move or act, even though he wants to help her. Then it is Wolverine's turn, and Deathbird turned into a giant Brood, probably Brood queen, who stings him in his belly.

Then he returns to the present and faces the creature that has created the web that he is stuck in. he kills it without a problem. There are more, but they leave him alone as they are not interested in him, the difficult kill. As he escapes Wolverine realizes that he is weakening. Eventually he lies down and hopes that death will take him.

He has another hallucination that is a memory. He wakes up in a bed, in a palace, on an alien planet. He wakes up Storm, but she tells him that he is simply ill. Wolverine realizes that he is on his own in this one. Wolverine goes to say goodbye to Kitty, but has an awful vision of himself killing her.

As Wolverine moves inside the palace he listens and sees the Brood's plans. They are using Deathbird, they do not consider her their ally. This will be interesting. They were using Deathbird and her allays to procreate. They had Fang (he belongs to Deathbird) as a prisoner who had an egg inside of him. When the time came he simply transforms into one of them. Wolverine realizes that this will happen to him and all of the X-Men, the queen has put eggs inside all of them. Then the Brood sees him and he escapes the palace.

That's how he ended up in the jungle outside. Then he chooses to continue to fight. He sees one of the Brood and attacks, making it carry him back to the palace. However, suddenly Wolverine is attacked by fierce pain and the Brood that he has captured throws him off. The rest of the Brood take him to the palace, with their leader telling them to kill him if he resist. Killing him is obviously something that they have a hard time doing. He manages to kill them all.

Still, searing pain hits him again. The egg is hatching. Trying to take control of him. However, Wolverine has an Adamantium skeleton which the egg cannot change, and an immune system that is like no other. Wolverine has superhealing and his body treated the egg like a disease, getting rid of it. He almost dies during this process, but almost doesn't count.

Wolverine saved himself because of his mutant nature. But he cannot save the X-Men the same way. It may already be too late for them. He realize that he may have to kill them all, and he is willing to do so to save them from being turned. The issue ends with this sad note

Carol Danvers is stuck in the same hell that all the X-Men are. With a fate that makes the alien movies look like a sweet ending. But Danvers has been isolated from the X-Men, does a different fate await her?

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