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Carol Danvers meets Medic Una: Captain Marvel #40 – September, 1975

Captain Marvel #40 – September, 1975

Carol Danvers is back for her last cameo before her emergence as Ms. Marvel.

Steve Englehart is now the new writer of the "The New Captain Marvel". In issue #36 he recaps Mar-Vell's early days and shows the death of Medic Una, but at the beginning of this issue she's alive again.

This issue also follows Rick Jones attempts to become a singer, but I won't be focusing on him as he has no connection to Carol.

We see that Mar-Vell wants to say goodbye to the Avengers but they are not in the mansion. He waits for a while, but eventually tells Jarvis to tell them goodbye as he wishes to return to his home planet.

Carol and Una's first encounter

Obviously the parasitic Medic Una will want to kill Carol Danvers who she never meet before because reasons. I mean Captain Marvel might have had feelings towards Carol, but Carol never knew about Una. Parasitic Una goes as far as calling Carol "most hated of all humans!" and attacks her.

Medic Una destroys a missile's main control while it's being launched, and it heads straight for Mar-Vell. So much for love. But Mar-Vell manages to stop it and remain alive.

Carol after being harmed by Una

Mar-Vell returns to the Cape and finds Carol Danvers dazed with pain. And with a short torn skirt because reasons. I'm pretty sure if she had her powers here, she would overcome parasitic Una as Captain Mar-Vell did. But she was not planned to be Ms. Marvel as this stage.

After Mar-Vell kills the parasite within Una he decides to make good on his decision to leave earth. Rick Jones shows up and wants to join him, and so they leave. And they don't even say a nice goodbye to Carol.

Carol Danvers is here just to be a damsel in distress and be part of the Mar-Vell-Carol-Una love triangle one last time.

Now it is time to say goodbye to powerless Carol and hello to Ms. Marvel who we will meet in my next post.

Do you agree with me? Have anything to say about this or any other related issue? Let's discuss in the comments below or on my Facebook page or on Twitter.

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