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Carol Danvers a Working Woman: Avengers #90 – July, 1971

Avengers #90 – July, 1971

Carol Danvers is back for a short cameo which displays her new personality upgrade.

Even though Carol Danvers was last seen in November 1969, she still exists in Marvel Comics. I know that Captain Marvel #18 is considered the issue in which Carol got her powers, but she has a few more none-powered cameos before her debut as Ms. Marvel.

Even though we jump forward in time, all you need to know is that in this issue Captain Marvel and Rick Jones have already been separated.

The issue opens up with action. The Intergalactic Sentry #459 (the same one from Captain Marvel #1) shows up at the Cape Kennedy hospital and tells the Avengers that he has been ordered to kill Mar-Vell and everyone who helps him.

We also see that Captain Marvel has been through surgery and he's in pretty bad shape, so the Avengers have to step in to defend him. Now who's the damsel in distress? They all fight against the Sentry. Scarlett Witch drops the ceiling on his head, Quicksilver uses his lightning fists, and then the Vision increases his density. And they are all defeated. Then The Intergalactic Sentry, who is now surrounded by soldiers, receives new orders, so he just kidnaps Captain Marvel and disappears.

Carol Danvers showing up

You said Cape, you said Carol Danvers and apparently she is still the head of security there. She arrives at the hospital to take a full report of the incident. They tell her that they have to leave to save Mar-Vell, but she reminds them that they don't have any leads on his whereabouts. And for the first time in a long time - someone thinks that she is right. Plus look at her clothes, this seems much more professional in this outfit then in anything she'd wore previously. And she just does her job, so refreshing.

Carol and the Avengers

Carol tells them that she hopes that they can save Mar-Vell as he has previously saved her life in the past. Yes, we know. He saved her many, many times. She ends their questioning with saying "Yet, I fear -- far more than one man's life is at stake." At last, she's observant again. There is hope for her after all.

Rick Jones feels guilty about Mar-Vell's abduction, but Scarlett Witch tells him that he shouldn't, as Mar-Vell chose a life of danger the moment he decided to return to earth. Vision tells him that all superheroes are by definition misfits and I think that he is right and that's part of the magic of comic book and why we love them so much.

This all leads to a mysterious jungle in Alaska, from which Ronan the Accuser intends to implement plan Atavus. He reveals to Mar-Vell this must be done, because superheroes have become a threat. So he will reverse the process of evolution until all intelligence on earth will disappear.

The issue ends with the Avengers fighting against a brainwashed Goliath and the Sentry, and with the WASP is about to be killed by a deformed and brainwashed Yellow Jacket.

Carol Danvers only has a cameo in this issue, but her character received some personality upgrade. She is professional, she is observant and she simply does her job. The new improvement also includes the fact that no one defies her, as was previously the case. When she tells the Avengers to stay, they do, and not ignore her or talk back to her like Mar-Vell and the General did. Is this because the Avengers represent the better part of society or are the general advancements in society are simply reflected in the comic? It's too soon to tell. Generally speaking this issue is so much fun, way better then solo Captain Marvel issues.

Do you agree with me? Have anything to say about this or any other related issue? Let's discuss in the comments below or on my Facebook page.

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